May 18th – Band Banquet

When: Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
Where: Salem High School Cafeteria

Please join us as we celebrate the success of the Pride of Salem’s 2013-14 school year and say good bye to our Senior students. The Salem Band Boosters will be providing fried chicken. We ask that each family bring a dish to share according to the grade level list below. We also ask that each family bring a 12 pack of canned sodas which will be used for drinks at the banquet. Any canned sodas left over will be put in our pantry and used for the upcoming marching band season.

What to bring:

Freshmen: Side dishes (macaroni & cheese, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, etc.)

Sophomores: Salads (Green salad, fruit salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc.)

Juniors: Desserts (cookies, cupcakes, pies, etc.)

Seniors: Side dishes (macaroni & cheese, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, etc.)

Band Banquet