Band Informational Meeting

Mr. Wilkes will be hosting an informational meeting tomorrowAugust 1, 2014 at 9:00 a.m in the choir room.  He will discuss all things band, including: band competitions, band routines, practice schedules, travelling with the Pride of Salem, etc.  This is the perfect time to ask any questions  about band in general and the upcoming marching season that you may have as new and returning band parents.  

May 18th – Band Banquet

When: Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.
Where: Salem High School Cafeteria

Please join us as we celebrate the success of the Pride of Salem’s 2013-14 school year and say good bye to our Senior students. The Salem Band Boosters will be providing fried chicken. We ask that each family bring a dish to share according to the grade level list below. We also ask that each family bring a 12 pack of canned sodas which will be used for drinks at the banquet. Any canned sodas left over will be put in our pantry and used for the upcoming marching band season.

What to bring:

Freshmen: Side dishes (macaroni & cheese, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, etc.)

Sophomores: Salads (Green salad, fruit salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc.)

Juniors: Desserts (cookies, cupcakes, pies, etc.)

Seniors: Side dishes (macaroni & cheese, baked beans, scalloped potatoes, etc.)

Band Banquet

Winter Concert Dec 10th, 6:30pm

The Winter Band Concert will be Tuesday, December 10th. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm with performances by the Andrew Lewis Middle School band. They will be followed by the Salem High School bands. We hope that you will join us for this wonderful evening of music.

Volunteer Opportunities

Band Parents,

The band boosters have the following volunteer opportunities:

First:  We will soon be heading into the basketball season. The band boosters sell concessions at all home basketball games (girls & boys). We are in need of at least 2 volunteers to head up and run the concessions. We also need volunteers to sign up to work concessions for the games. We normally have 3 volunteers per game.

Second:  SHS is the host school for the All District Band event. This year it will be held on Saturday, December 7th.  We need as many volunteers as we can get for that day to run concessions, run registration, etc. We normally have 3 shifts for the day, so it takes a lot of people to staff the event. The band students will be working with Mr. Wilkes on their duties for the day.

We will have signup sheets at the Booster meeting scheduled for November 7th and hope to have a great response to this call for help. Please consider volunteering for these important events that help the boosters support the band students and the band program.

If you have an interest in heading up the basketball concessions, please get in touch with me as soon as possible so we can begin planning for the season.

Thank you,

Gloria Bryant
Band Booster President

Order Band Fruit Online!

This year, you can also order Band Fruit online! This will allow you to send a link to remote friends and family, or to order fruit and have it shipped directly to a faraway friend. To do so, just click the graphic below:


Or, send your friends the following URL: